Our Clients Say
There is that good old saying we learned at university or business school: “The client is always right!”
Come to think of it – most of us have heard this statement from the mouths of trusted authority figures like parents, teachers, lecturers, or bosses.
At Africa Unwind, we believe this is true. And if it is true, it is important for the world out there to hear travel stories of real people who have been to that safari lodge, or slept in that bed, or ate the food at that restaurant.
Because, let’s be honest – you can’t believe everything you read on the internet.
But it is a little easier to believe travellers when they share their own holiday memories with us. What they loved about a safari lodge, how the service was, which activities they enjoyed & frankly – if they will recommend their vacation to friends & family!
This is a platform where you can (& should) listen to our clients.
Because…remember – The client is always right!